
I was born in Turin in 1987 where, after classical high school, I attended the University of Turin, Faculty of Psychology. I did my first internship in the Drop-In of Amedeo di Savoia Hospital, in the first aid service for drug addicts. I wrote my three-year thesis on Mirror Neurons and imitation. I then chose to do my master’s degree in Clinical and Community Psychology. During this time I did an internship in the Altea Psychiatric Community, followed by a six-month Erasmus exchange in Istanbul, Maltepe University, where I then created in 2011-2012 my master’s thesis research in another six months. Upon returning to Turin, I passed the state exam to enter the Piedmont Register of Psychologists. I then continued my post-graduate internship at the University of Turin, where I published a research paper with my professors, based on my master’s thesis, in an international journal. Also still with the university, I then participated in the Uni.Coo call (2013). The result was a collaboration and a research article with the Turin-based NGO Cifa Onlus and the Cambodian one in the Via del Campo project in the Phoum Thmey slum in Sihanoukville. There I worked for three months with children from the center and nearby school to complete research on basic facial emotion recognition. I then completed Civil Service in social services in Turin. Also in Turin, I supported a boy with disabilities consistently over the period of 10 years. I worked in Canada in Montreal for a year and back in Europe I decided to move to Berlin permanently. Here I worked as an Educator and as a Psychologist for the first years. Today I was able to open my practice in the city and online under the title Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie.
My Passion
I grew up with music and philosophical / psychological books. I am proud to have been able to keep both things in my life. Music is the one thing that has never left me and has supported me since I was born no matter what. Psychology is the passion that I later discovered at school and that I chose to do with interest and competence.
I am also a music producer. I have had some experience with music therapy, but it will be something I would like to do more in the future, especially as a group therapy.
Traveling and learning other cultures (and languages) is another thing that has formed me a lot and that I always recommend because it really makes you discover your true self faster.

My Goals
My goal is to help all those people in need of help who are abroad and therefore have to face a whole different set of problems, in addition to their own personal ones. Moreover, also offering online support, this type of help can easily move over time from one country to another. Obviously, even people from Italy or other English-speaking countries in urgent need of help are welcome online.